Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Nurse Simulation Time

We are at that point in the Semester where we retreat from the clinical area, head back to the University to do Simulation

Nurse Simulation is where we take the students into the lab and have a computer powered and controlled baby that we can create different scenarios for the students to practice different events.
Two groups over two day, each group was split into two (because of size) and so I did simulation 4 times....I'm a bit simmed out but it was a very good experience

The scenario we set up for the students was a 24 month old baby with previous diagnosis of asthma who came in wheezing.  They had to manage the care and depending on how they were doing we manipulated the situation to drop the pulse ox levels, increase the pulse, creating stress and see how the students reacted.

The cons of this experience has to be it is not real, and so some students may not take it seriously.  However, the pros far outweigh the cons.  In the clinical environment it is very difficult for me to "schedule" and emergency event.  In simulation we can create an event for the student and they can manage it in a safe environment, i.e. no-one dies.....always a good thing!!!

It was interesting to see how my students reacted, all the groups had some issues and one group very nearly killed the poor child as they did not notice the pulse ox had dropped to the low 80's and the pulse had risen to above 200!!!  They were so focused on their tasks they failed to see the big picture but what a great learning experience this was when we watched the video in debrief (yes, we taped them!)

One student froze, was literally paralyzed when things started to go downhill, another student reacted to this by yelling at her!!  These are all real life events that happen in the clinical area so we were able to talk about how people react to stress and how you can develop your own personal strategy to be both effective and safe.

A good day, we all had a bit of a giggle viewing the tape afterwards but a wonderful learning experience for all.

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